Friday, September 23, 2011

Windows 7 & Windows 8 Developer Preview DUAL-BOOT

As you all know, Windows 8 Developer Preview is released a few days ago. It is awesome.

The UI of the New Windows Developer Preview is just awesome. Everyone falls in love with it at first sight.

This post is to guide you step-by-step to install a dual boot windows Developer Preview with Windows 7.

Download links for Windows DP:
Direct Download
Torrent Download - 32 bit
Torrent Download - 64 bit

How to Install Windows Developer Preview in a PC with Windows 7 ?

Its very simple and easy. Just follow the below given steps. You'll end up with an awesome version of Windows along with Windows 7.

Step - 1:
Download the right version of Windows Developer Preview either 32-bit or 64-bit. I would prefer torrent download. ;)

Step - 2:
Burn the downloaded .iso file into  an empty DVD or make a bootable USB(Read my post how to make a bottable USB here). Once burned, Insert the disk or pendrive into tray and restart your PC.

Step - 3:
Wait for it to load the OS from the respective drive (DVD or USB).
You have options for installing the OS. You can either install it into a separate partition or a new hard-drive. If you haven't done a new partition before then shrink any partition with more free memory. Create a small partition about 100GB.
Now you select this disk as the primary for installing the OS and continue.

Step - 4:
It gets completely and shows a blue screen to select the operating system. Now you want to set the default operating system as WINDOWS 7. So click on the text link below which says something about change default settings etc. Change the default OS to Windows 7.
You can select which operating system to load everytime the PC starts.

Login into Windows Developer Preview.

Done! You have a perfectly synchronized PC with Windows 7 and Windows Developer Preview dual boot.
Enjoy working with the next awesome version of Windows.

For more help regarding Windows Developer Preview and Dual Boot contact me at


The Artifex.


thanks for the latest technical information -bhaswanth

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